The Complete Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

August 8, 2023

The Complete Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

By keeping up with these simple Summer Home Maintenance tasks each year, you can keep your home looking great and running efficiently for many years.

For homeowners, summer brings its own set of maintenance tasks that should be done to keep your home safe and functioning properly. That’s why we have put together this complete summer home maintenance checklist.

From inspecting your home for damage to doing pest control, summer home maintenance is an essential part of keeping your house in good condition.

Summer is also the ideal time to do any necessary repairs as the weather will be more cooperative and you can work outside more easily.

By keeping up with these simple Summer Home Maintenance tasks each year, you can keep your home looking great and running efficiently for many years.

Inspect Your House Exterior

During the winter, you may not be able to see damage to your home since everything will be covered in snow. But in the summer, you can see damage to your home easily.

Here are a few things you should look for when you do your inspection:

  • Cracks in your foundation, siding, etc.
  • Missing shingles on the roof.
  • Missing siding.

Checking for these problems each year is incredibly important because if left unaddressed, the damage can become worse over time and could even lead to costly repairs.

*Tip – Foundations are susceptible to water damage, so make sure you do a thorough walk around. If you do find any damage to your foundation, be sure to get it repaired as quickly as possible since it can cause major issues down the line.

By keeping up with these simple Summer Home Maintenance tasks each year, you can keep your home looking great and running efficiently for many years.

Power Wash Your Home

Power washing is one of the best ways to get your home looking like new again. It can help remove dirt and even mildew from the exterior of your home.

If you already own a power washer, then it’s as easy as planning a day to do the work. But, if you don’t own one, you can rent a power washer or hire a professional to do the work for you.

In addition to doing your home, you can also power wash your driveway, sidewalks, and even the deck.

*Tip – When power washing your home, be extremely careful around your windows. If not done properly, the glass can shatter. Go here to learn more about how to power wash your windows safely.

By keeping up with these simple Summer Home Maintenance tasks each year, you can keep your home looking great and running efficiently for many years.

Wash Windows (Inside & Out)

There’s no doubt about it, cleaning windows can be a bothersome chore. Especially when your home has a lot of them. But, it’s important to keep your windows clean to protect them from damage and ensure they last longer.

If you aren’t using a power washer to wash them on the outside, then you can use a bucket of water filled with dish soap and water to clean them. This works well on the inside as well. To avoid leaving behind streaks, use a squeegee to wipe away the solution and dry it with a clean microfibre cloth.

If you have screens in your windows, it is recommended that you take them out of the window frame and spray them with a hose. This will help remove the dirt build-up on the screen.

Lastly, if you want to clean the window tracks, you can use a toothbrush with some soapy water. Some windows will even pop out of the frame which makes it a lot easier to clean the track.

Touch Up Exterior Paint

Summer is the ideal time to touch up the paint on your home’s exterior as the weather is dry and more consistent. This way you don’t have to worry about rain or snow interfering with your project.

To get the best results, you should use high-quality paint and primer. This will help ensure that your touch-up job looks as seamless as possible.

Refill Cracks In Pavement

If you notice any cracks on your driveway or sidewalks, it’s important to refill them as soon as possible so that they don’t get worse. Thankfully, it’s easy to do this using an asphalt patch or sealant.

All you have to do is clean the area of any debris, fill in the crack, and then smooth it out using a trowel or concrete finishing tool.

*Tip – Before refilling any cracks, be sure to check for any roots that may be growing underneath the pavement. If there are, use a root killer to kill off any roots before proceeding.

Repair Fence Or Deck As Needed

It’s normal for your deck and fence to see some wear and tear over time. Especially if you live in a climate that experiences extreme weather. So, take some time this summer to inspect your deck and fence for any signs of damage and make repairs as needed.

If you have a wooden fence, you may need to do some staining or painting. This will help protect the wood from rain and snow in the future. Furthermore, if you notice any rotting boards, be sure to replace them.

For your deck, you’ll want to inspect it for any splintering or rotting boards as well. And, if there are any loose screws or nails that need attention, be sure to take care of those too.


Check The Seals Around Your Doors & Windows

Summer is also a great time to check the seals around your doors and windows. Not only will this help keep pests out, but it’ll also help you save on energy costs since air won’t be able to escape as easily.

You can check for any air leaks by using a fan and placing it in front of your door or window. If you notice any drafts, then you’ll know it’s time to replace the seal.

If you have a door that isn’t closing properly, then you should also take some time to adjust or replace the hinges so that it closes correctly.


Clean Gutters

Cleaning your gutters is one of the most important summer home maintenance tasks that you should do. Clogged gutters can cause water damage and even flooding in your home if not cleaned regularly.

To clean out your gutters, start by removing any debris that is stuck in them. Then, use a hose to flush out any dirt or leaves that may be blocking the flow of water.

Once everything has been cleared out, you can move on to checking for any problems such as holes or cracks. If you do find any issues, be sure to repair them quickly with some sealant.

*Tip – If you don’t have a ladder handy, check out this blog post for a list of ways to clean your gutters without a ladder.

Pest Control

While it’s nice that summer comes with heat and sunshine, it also comes with more pests that can cause problems in your home and yard. So, it’s important to take some precautionary measures.

To keep pests out of your home, you can:

  • Look for potential entry points into your home and close them off. (This includes gaps, cracks, or holes in the walls, windows, doors, vents, and chimney.)
  • Set up traps around your home.
  • Keep food sealed and stored properly.

To maintain the pests in your yard, you can:

  • Spray pest control products.
  • Set up traps.
  • Keep your grass and plants trimmed.

For more DIY pest control ideas, go here.


Inspect Outdoor Faucet & Hoses

It’s easy to forget about your outdoor faucets and hoses during the summer, but you should inspect them for any leaks or damage.

Start by checking the outside of the faucet for any signs of leaking. If there are any, then you’ll need to turn off the water supply and replace it with a new one. It’s important to do this as soon as possible as a leaking faucet can cause water damage to your home.

Next, inspect all of your hoses for any cracks or holes. If you find any issues, it’s best to replace the hose with a new one as soon as possible.

Inspect Outdoor Plugs & Lights

The summer months are the perfect time to check on your outdoor plugs and lights.

Start by checking for any rust or corrosion on the plugs and lights. If there’s any rust, then it’s time to replace the outlets or light fixtures.

It’s also important to check the wiring of your plugs and lights to make sure they’re still in good condition. If you notice any frayed wires or loose connections, then you’ll want to get them repaired right away to reduce the risk of fire.

By keeping up with these simple Summer Home Maintenance tasks each year, you can keep your home looking great and running efficiently for many years.

Air Conditioner or HVAC Maintenance

During the hot summer months, your air conditioner or HVAC system will experience a lot of wear and tear. So, to make sure it is running as efficiently as possible, you must do maintenance on it.

Get the complete HVAC maintenance checklist that you can do at the start of every summer.


Clean The Dryer Vent & Exhaust Fan

This is another summer home maintenance task that often gets overlooked. But it’s important to make sure your dryer vent and exhaust fan are clean, otherwise, lint buildup can cause a fire hazard.

To clean out the dryer vent, you’ll need an appropriate brush or vacuum attachment. Start by brushing away any lint that has built up on the vent and then use a vacuum to suck up any dust or debris.

For the exhaust fan, simply use a cloth or brush to remove any buildup. Then, if necessary, replace the filter after you clean it out.

By keeping up with these simple Summer Home Maintenance tasks each year, you can keep your home looking great and running efficiently for years to come.

Here are the other seasonal home maintenance checklists that you should do every year to keep your home in good condition.